United with Collective Actions for Individual Freedoms

Our mission

We unite remote workers and business communities' for electoral change

About Remote Workers Association

With less than 5% of registered voters, we can change the game

Goals of RWA & RWAPAC

We didn’t come this far to only come this far

Electoral College Reform

Focus on unelected special interests which rule us without checks and with unlimited budgets

The ICks (Industrial Complexes)

-Military Industrial Complex

-Medical Industrial Complex

-Food Industrial Complex

-Censorship-Media and Tech Industrial Complex

End Citizens United and remove special interest money out of our election system

Collective Actions - Petitions, Lobbying, Political Action Committees, Voter coalitions, Organized Protests, Letter writing campaigns, Union Forming, Independent Media Alliances, Boycotts and other collective actions for change

Implement Popular Majority Vote

Fair Senate Distribution by Population

Unhackable Federal Elections System for ALL 50 STATES – Uniform system using blockchain

Nomadic community’s rights to vote

Voting and human rights for Homeless, van life, RV life and those who work or live nomadically in more than one location. Homelessness is now being made illegal

Senate Changes - Remove all obstructionists and abolish the Filibuster

(Electoral Reform requires 60 votes and ratification of the States and is not the only goal of RWA)

Judicial Reform

-SCOTUS Impeachments

-Expansion of the Supreme Court

-Term Limits for The Supreme Court and Congress

-Impeachment or removal of all Local, State or Federal Judges who are compromised politically, or by special interests.

Cut the war budget by 50% and the private war profiteers bankrupted

Neuro Rights-DEW and neuro weapons ban

Non-consensual medical and military experimentation ban and enforcement penal code

Havana Syndrome (AHI) compensation expanded for damages and to include civilians suffering injuries from this unconsented war experiment

Reform police and local laws including qualified immunity, civil forfeiture and unlawful surveillance laws

Safety protections for online/ remote workers- data safety, doxing, side gigs and employee protections

Outlandish Tax Protections- Both employers and employees are impacted by differences in state employment laws and where one home bases from

System Reformation
Collective Actions for Individual Freedoms